Week 32 Bumpdate!
We have made it to week 32 of the pregnancy, something that back in December seemed impossible to achieve!
During weeks 31-33 is when the eighth month of pregnancy usually starts.
Regarding the baby’s size, at 32 weeks pregnant, babies weigh around 4 pounds and measure about 11 inches in length, crown to rump. So our baby is about the size of a cabbage! How cute!
Here are the latest updates 🙂
- CLOTHING – As of last week, I can’t fit any of my clothes anymore! In terms of daily essentials, these soft nightgowns have been amazing, so I highly recommend them whether you are pregnant or not. The nightgown is not maternity, and I ordered my regular size. It’s super soft, feminine, and has a perfect fit. I also found the most comfortable bra on Amazon, it has no underwire, and I love that I barely notice that I am wearing it.
shop: nightgown
- GLUCOSE – Most pregnant women have a glucose screening test between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, and mine was during week 28. Because I did not pass the first screening, I had to take an additional 3-hour screening test the following week, which I did not pass either. My glucose levels were very high so I was diagnosed with ‘gestational diabetes‘ and on January 31, I started doing modifications to my diet and measuring my blood sugar four times per day. Honestly, it took me a few days to process all of that. I tried to remind myself that how our body processes glucose during pregnancy is mostly out of our control. New additions to my diet include bulgur, quinoa, farro, and chickpea pasta. If you are currently pregnant, just know that screening for gestational diabetes is just one of the many tests you’ll have during pregnancy. It’s a routine part of prenatal care because unmanaged diabetes can cause complications for both you and the baby.
- NAPS – I love naps! As of last week, I need them almost daily for at least 1 hour. Speaking of that, yesterday I ordered this wedge pregnancy pillow because, at this point in my pregnancy, my other pregnancy pillow is no longer enough. It should arrive this weekend, I can’t wait!
shop: pregnancy pillow wedge
- HOME ORGANIZATION – I spent the majority of the weekend reorganizing our home, washing the baby’s laundry with this newborn liquid detergent (it smells so good!), and preparing her dresser with these foldable cloth storage basket bins that are perfect for any type of drawers. I also ordered this pink diaper caddy to carry the essentials around our home, how adorable is it?!
shop: foldable cloth storage basket bins
- CRAVINGS – The new diet that I am currently on barely allows me any sugar, so I have been missing a few of my usual snacks! So I purchased three boxes of these healthy snack bars that are low in sugar and high in protein, as well as a variety of nuts.
- CONTRACTIONS – I have been experiencing lots of Braxton Hicks that feel like tightness in my abdomen, and are also called “practice contractions.” They are sometimes referred to as prodromal or “false labor” pains, and increase around week 32 all the way until real labor starts.
See more pregnancy-related posts in the “motherhood” category of this website!