I am happy to introduce to you Christine Nendick, the creative editor of “Rescue In Style,” a blog dedicated to making a fashion statement for adoptable pets.
While spreading awareness of animals looking for their forever homes, as well as featuring dogs/cats in urgent need of adoption, she also shares trendy outfits, information on local adoption events, behind-the-scenes videos, and hundreds of tips so that you too can foster, adopt, or rescue cats and dogs.

Christine has the cutest cats, Roni and Cheese, a dog named Rawlings, and often fosters up to seven kittens at a time.
I love meeting people who welcome rescued dogs or cats into their homes. I have two at home that you can read about after Christine’s interview below.
Interview with Christine Nendick:
Q: When did you start Rescue in Style?
I came up with the idea in December 2016 but officially launched the blog in February 2017. It’s just been a little over two years now!
Q: How did you come up with the idea?
I was scrolling through Instagram late at night and came across a fashion blogger sharing a picture of her dog. Unfortunately, the dog was not a rescue dog. She had so many followers that I thought it would have been an incredible platform to spread awareness of all the dogs (and cats!) in need of homes. The idea of being a fashion blogger who showed off adorable pets struck me as a way to market so many animals. After searching online, I couldn’t find anyone who was doing what I was picturing so I decided to do it myself.
Q: Why was it important to incorporate fashion into your efforts?
There are a lot of awesome accounts on Instagram devoted to rescue organizations, but I wanted to target an audience that might want to follow all of them. Fashion is my way of welcoming a new demographic into the rescue world. I hope that by showcasing some fun fashion, I can cater to a group that hadn’t previously been aware of all the animals in need of homes. They might come to my page because of the style, but hopefully, they’ll stick around because they enjoy learning about all things rescue.
Q: What do you hope people learn from your blog/Instagram?
I hope people will learn that there are so many wonderful pets looking for homes. Sadly, 1.5 million animals are euthanized each year simply because there isn’t enough space for them at our shelters. I hope to encourage people to pursue adoption when adding a furry family member to their home!
Q: How can people get involved?
There are so many ways to help. You can find the perfect way to support your local rescue! Whether you want to walk dogs, socialize cats, help with social media, or fundraise, your skills are needed. I would recommend looking at their website, there is usually a tab for volunteering. If there isn’t reach out through email or call them.
Also, fostering is the most instrumental way you can help save lives. If you can temporarily bring a dog into your home, you will save two lives: the dog in foster care and the one that gets to take its place in the shelter. It’s also the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done in rescue.
Q: Do you have any favorite dogs/cats?
Besides my own Greyhound (a Florida native!) and two cats?! Absolutely! There have been so many wonderful animals that have caught hold of my heart. One of the first dogs I ever met was named Lady. She was a pittie who was used for breeding. The poor thing was so young but had had so many litters. Lady was the sweetest and wanted to just lay her head in your lap and snuggle with her stuffed animals. She spent a few weeks at the shelter before someone scooped her up and took her home and spoiled her!
I’ve also become more involved with my city municipal shelter, Chicago Animal Care and Control. It’s where people surrender their pets and where we house strays. Generally, it’s mostly pit bull type dogs. Landlords here aren’t very friendly with “bully breeds” so they populate our city shelter. My favorite dog there for a while was Lucy. She gave me the best hugs and would sprint over for belly rubs. She was taken by a local rescue and she’s now awaiting her forever home!
Q: What’s next for Rescue in Style?
I’ve recently launched my very own merchandise! I’m working on creating a few more items to add to the collection so that’s my next big task. Outside of that, I’m always looking to work with new rescues in the area and hopefully across the US!
To visit Christine’s blog click here!
To adopt a pet in need of a warm home, visit AdoptAPet and PetFinder!

Let me share a little bit about my dogs. Mia turned 7 years old in October, weighs 60+ pounds, and is 100% blind. Anastasia weighs 50+ pounds and I found her on June 26, 2015, when she was living on the street. That day, I picked her collapsing body up and rushed her to the only animal hospital that was open late on a Friday night. Anastasia showed up in my life while I was temporarily staying at my parents (who live in a condo that does not allow dogs over 20 pounds), I was searching for a new apartment, Mia was being cared for by a dog sitter that I had hired, the relationship that I was in for 4+ years had just ended, and I was working 70+ hours per week.
After three months of searching for a pet-friendly building, in August 2015, I finally moved to a pet-friendly apartment with both dogs. Everything was wonderful until Mia started to disapprove of the new dog, and while many suggested that I re-home or put her up for adoption, I instead decided to figure it out and make it work.
It took 11 months of keeping them separated by wooden barriers in my living room, group classes at PetSmart / one-on-one training, and lots of patience until they learned to co-exist in harmony under the same roof.
Looking back, not giving up on Anastasia, was one of the best decisions I’ve made. Back when I rescued her in 2015, Mia had eyesight in one eye only. In January 2018, when that eye lost all its vision and her eye pressure could no longer be controlled, her ophthalmologist in Florida, Dr. Dylan Buss, performed CBA (ciliary body ablation – the least invasive treatment for glaucoma) on her eye. While I have been diligent in putting about 6-7 different eye drops, twice a day, on her eyes since 2014, Anastasia’s tenderness towards Mia has helped her immensely as well.
Both Christine and I agree that it is important to invest time in training dogs. I love ‘group classes’ because dogs learn in a controlled environment where they have to practice self-control while being surrounded by multiple dogs and their humans. Mia completed all levels of training at PetSmart (beginner, intermediate, advanced). She failed each of the final exams, but PetSmart allows dogs to retake the course… so we did every course twice! Ha! In all seriousness, the effort that I put into taking her to 30+ classes, has paid off. With Anastasia, I completed the beginner course, which she passed, and I hope to take her to more soon.
A final note:
I started training with each dog when they were adults, despite many telling me that you can only begin training dogs when they are puppies. Well, that is not always true. My experience was excellent.
What about you?! Have you adopted or rescued a dog/cat before?!
If so, I’d love to hear your pet’s name and story!!!
Here is a round-up of my favorites. These are all amazing products for dogs!
- Furbo Dog Camara (A gift from my sister that I can’t live without (& we travel with it too)
- HDP Big Dog Harness (I have 2 of these for my blind girl)
- Dog Alaska Fleece Snood (This has been a lifesaver during NYC winter! I have 3 in XL)
- Dental Kit (I’ve been using this kit since 2013, I buy 2 every year & brush their teeth daily)
- Adjustable Dog Raincoat (incredibly useful! They are machine washable)
- PET GATE (I can’t live without this. We travel with ours & block hotel doors, etc.)
- Auto Close Safety Baby Gate (I bought mine in 2015, and I use mine permanently in the kitchen)
- Memory Foam Dog Bed (The older my dogs get, the better the bed I buy them)
- PAWZ Dog Boots (Love these for snow days. I buy the purple size L & the blue size M)