My First Two Months In NYC
I can’t believe that I have been living in New York City for two months now. Some days it seems like this is just another short vacation in the city, and that I will be returning to Florida in a matter of days.
Moving to a cosmopolitan city like NYC was not in my bucket list. After spending a few years living in Paris & Barcelona, I returned to Florida and told myself that I was done living anywhere other than Miami. While I enjoyed my time in Europe, I was happy living right on the beach, and one block from my parent’s home. Life on the ocean is peaceful, especially when you love a slow pace of life, and enjoy walking the dogs by the ocean as much as I do.
A Sweet Surprise…
Until … life surprises you! … and introduces you to a person from up north who accepted a temporary job in South Florida so that we could meet! Just kidding 🙂 But really, how else would we have met!?? Prior to meeting him, I had only visited NYC three times, and as for him, he had never been to Miami.
We dated throughout his time in Florida, did a beautiful scenic road-trip together across the east-coast, and then endured a long distance relationship for a long time. I knew very early on that he was the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. That is why I was okay with doing long distance with him. Fast forward to a few months ago, and he received a job offer in NYC that he did not want to pass up!

New City, New Life
So that is how our search for an apartment in New York City got started, and it was not an easy one! I remember that during one of my trips to visit him, we spent 10+ hours on a Saturday looking at units all over the city. Because I was so unfamiliar with this city, I felt that at a minimum I needed to explore the neighborhoods that we considered moving into. For the next three months I spent countless hours researching areas, studying floor plans, and imagining what my life in NYC would be like!
After spending the last 9 years living with so much warmth & comfort in Miami Beach, I was nervous about moving to a large city with such long winters. I am also very close with my family, and was used to seeing them every week. That is why my heart aches a bit when I think of family that is now so far away. Has anyone recently moved and feel the same??
Useful Winter Gear
Many of my girlfriends in Miami have been asking whether I have found a big coat yet, and the answer is yes! A few weeks ago, I purchased this faux fur trimmed parka coat (see it in other colors here), these waterproof boots (see it in other colors here and here) and these fleece ear warmers. My coat truly saved me this past week when we had several days with just 26-36 degrees. What I appreciate the most about this parka is that it has five pockets, as well as interior thumb hole cuffs. With regards to the boots, I have yet to wear them, and the ear warmers have been fantastic. Also, this fleece sweater that I purchased over a year ago is my favorite… I wear it almost every day.
For my dogs I bought these super useful yellow raincoats. I absolutely love that they protect their neck/body, and I prefer them wearing a raincoat than getting wet (see image at bottom of this post!). I also got them these awesome dog parka (available in all sizes) for a fantastic price. They are warm, have a water-resistant exterior, a detachable hood (I keep it on for warmth around the neck area), and the parka is very easy to remove as soon as we return home. They wear these almost daily. Now I want to buy each of them a cozy cave bed!!! If any of you have pets at home, I’d love to hear how you help them keep their paws warm during the winter. I linked everything at the bottom of this post for those of you looking for ideas. Click on any item to check it out.
Wishing you a great new week… Talk soon! <3
Get the dog raincoat, by clicking here. With regards to sizes, I purchased an XL, and a L, but I wish I had purchased two XL. Just measure your dog’s back length, and then size up. These raincoats & the snoods are hands down the best items to keep a dog as dry/warm as possible during rainy/cold days. I bought the snoods in size XXL. Feel free to reach out if you have questions! 🙂