Pumpkin Bread Recipe
We are heading to New Jersey for a big family dinner, so I made two loaves of pumpkin bread, one for us, and one for everyone to enjoy during Thanksgiving Day. I’ve been making this recipe for ten years, and I love to toast individual slices and add butter on top. This pumpkin bread recipe is super easy, and the result is an incredibly delicious bread!!! You can store this bread in the refrigerator (in a glass container with a lid) for 4-5 days. Wishing everyone a healthy and lovely Thanksgiving!
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Pan de Calabaza
Estamos en camino a Nueva Jersey para una cena familiar y voy a llevar uno de las dos panes de calabaza que acabo de preparar. Esta receta es rápida, fácil y el resultado es un increíble y delicioso pan de calabaza. Hago este pan desde hace diez años, y a la hora de comerlo me encanta cortar una rebanada, tostarla y agregarle un poco de mantequilla, ¡eso es todo! Les recomiendo que guarden lo que no comas el Día de Acción de Gracias dentro del refrigerador (en un recipiente de vidrio con tapa).
Pumpkin Bread Recipe
Servings: Makes 2 loaves
Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 65 Minutes
- 1 (15-oz) can pumpkin puree (I use Trader Joe’s)
- 3 cups of flour
- 2 cups of sugar
- 1 cup of vegetable oil
- 3 eggs
- 2/3 cup of water
- 2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Preheat the oven to 325 F degrees.
- Butter and flour the standard-size loaf pans.
- LARGE BOWL: Mix sugar and vegetable oil.
- Slowly add in the eggs (lightly beaten) and pumpkin. I use this handheld mixer.
- LARGE BOWL: combine the dry ingredients: flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Set aside.
- BLEND: add the dry ingredients and water to the wet mixture. Mix on low until combined.
- LOAF PAN: Pour equally into two loaf pans.
- Bake for 65-70 minutes (until a toothpick comes out clean).
- Allow it to cool before eating.
- Enjoy!

SHOP: Le Creuset Loaf Pan

What is your favorite dish during Thanksgiving?
If you’d like to try another bread, this Banana Bread with Sour Cream is fantastic.
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