H&M Knit Sweater | Pants | Shoes: Coach | Sunglasses | Bag: Donna Karan | Necklace
Are you ready for sweaters, layers and boots? I am! Even though I live in South Florida, I appreciate cooler temperatures (for a short time though! 😉 I love fall clothing so much because you can get so creative with the layers. Here is one example: this knit sweater from H&M is a practical item to have for the Fall, and it is so thin that it will fit comfortably under any coat or winter jacket. I purchased it because I love how light the material feels, the color navy is always a classic, and I will get tons of use out of it Monday through Friday. The place where I work at is always freezing, a few of my co-workers bring blankets and wrap them on their shoulders – I have not gone that far yet, but I have considered it more than once, believe me!! Usually, I pair knit sweaters with pleated pants, and then I add a necklace to brighten up the outfit. Style tip: for a chic look, match your navy knit sweater with beige, white or grey pants / pencil skirt.
Hope you are having a great week, thanks for reading! xo